Caterpillar I and II

image by carlitos
Two featured pieces: two flash fiction stories, on the topic of caterpillars, by our new member Natalia Prats.

And now for something completely different...

At the last meeting, we discussed whether the group might take a new direction and introduce a little more structure and focus. We have tended to stick to what we know, but a group that is fearlessly prepared to try something new is a group that grows.

Sandalle - winning monologues

Monologues by two Word Central members were among the winners of Sandalle's Five 'n Ten International Stage-Writing Competition 2014: The Embalmer by Clare Girvan, and The Leaving by Greg Hayes. Both were performed at the Gwyn Hall, Neath, on 8th June 2014, and YouTube recordings are reproduced below by kind permission.

Next Meeting, 20th March 2014

Our next meeting is on Thursday 20th March 2014. Please see FAQ page for location map.

Cartoons by Steven Petherick

Word Central member Steven Petherick has kindly given us permission to reprint some of his Spike Trebel cartoons on the quirks of family, friendships, relationships and sex.

Diary events Jan/Feb 2014

Members and others may be interested in the following creative events in Exeter over the coming month.


After meetings at the St Sidwell Centre, we generally adjourn to socialise elsewhere. On January 9th 2014, many of us were in The White Hart on South Street: a more informal venue where we discussed plans for development of our website.